We are delighted to present the TPCC – Tourism Panel on Climate Change – and honoured to have been invited to lead the delivery of this vital initiative.
We are highly appreciative of our academic and tourism colleagues from around the world who have agreed to be a part of this exciting and urgently needed initiative and to contribute their expertise to making TPCC a leading contributor to the Travel & Tourism Sector response to the ‘Code Red’ Climate Crisis.
Tourism makes an incredibly powerful and positive contribution to human development; however, it is timely to connect fragmented efforts and accelerate cohesive sector climate action for advanced mitigation and adaptation in the decades ahead.
TPCC brings together thought leaders from around the world to respond to this clarion call.
Daniel Scott, Susanne Becken, Geoffrey Lipman
TPCC Executive Board November 2022
Our vision is a new era of climate resilient global tourism, that is on track to achieve zero emissions by 2050 and is successfully adapting to accelerating impacts of climate change through actions that broadly advance the Sustainable Development Goals.
Our mission is to inform and rapidly advance science-based climate action across the global tourism system in support of the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Dr. Daniel Scott is a Professor and Research Chair in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management at the University of Waterloo (Canada). He is also a Vice Chancellor Research Fellow in the School of Hospitality and Tourism at the University of Surrey (United Kingdom). Daniel has published over 200 journal papers and reports on sustainable tourism, with a focus on the transition to a low carbon tourism economy and adaptation to the complex impacts of a changing climate. He has advised and led projects for a wide range of government agencies and tourism organizations around the world, including the United Nations World Tourism Organization, United Nations Environment Programme, World Meteorological Organization, International Olympic Committee, World Bank, OECD, the European Tourism Commission, and Caribbean Tourism Organization. He has also been a contributor to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Third, Fourth, and Fifth Assessments as well as the 1.5°C special report. In 2021, he was ranked in the world top 300 climate scientists by Reuters. His tourism research publications have been downloaded over a half million times and have been featured in many leading media outlets.
Dr. Susanne Becken is a Professor of Sustainable Tourism at Griffith University in Australia and the Principal Science Investment Advisor (Visitor) in the Department of Conservation, New Zealand, where she works at the science-policy interface. She is also a Vice Chancellor Research Fellow at the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom focusing on sustainable tourism and green transition. Her research focuses on the tourism-environment nexus with particular focus on resource use and climate change, and has been published in well over 100 papers and industry reports. Susanne is a member of the Air New Zealand Sustainability Advisory Panel, the Whitsunday Climate Innovation Hub, and she is an elected Fellow of the International Academy of the Study of Tourism. In 2019, she was awarded the prestigious UNWTO Ulysses Award for her contribution to tourism knowledge. She is on multiple editorial boards, including the Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Tourism Management.
Prof. Geoffrey Lipman Formerly Exec. Director IATA: First President WTTC: Assistant Secretary General UNWTO.
Currently President SUNx Malta – Strong Universal Network.
Played a key role in emergence of Tourism as a serious socio-economic sector.
• As Executive Director at IATA in the 1970’s helped drive a new liberalization agenda, responding to airline deregulation.
• As first President of WTTC throughout the 1990’s, he worked to pioneer new systems of measuring the sector, creating CSR Certification and supporting China’s efforts to open Tourism markets.
• As Assistant Secretary General of UNWTO, in the first decade of this millennium, he spearheaded new development support systems, including the ST-EP Program, led the Davos Climate Summit and launched G20 Summit recognition program.
• As Co-founder of SUNx Strong Universal Network – a legacy project of Maurice Strong This is a global initiative to support Climate Resilience, related SDG’s and Emergency Response through Climate Friendly Travel ~ Measured: Green: 2050proof.
Served on public / private sector Boards in Africa, Europe, Middle East and Canada: Tourism Envoy to UNDP Administrator; Member EU Commissions on Airline Liberalization and on Tourism Employment: Environment Advisor to the Governor of Jeju Island, Korea: President ICTP (International Coalition of Tourism Partners). Worked closely with the World Economic Forum since the early 90’s on its Competitiveness and Smart Travel activities.
Written / lectured widely on tourism strategy, sustainability & liberalization; co-author/ editor of two books and numerous journal articles on Green Growth & Travelism as a visiting Professor, Victoria U. Australia and Hasselt U. Belgium. Co-author two major EIU studies on airline liberalization.
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