This Foundation of the TPCC – Tourism Panel on Climate Change – provides the urgent rationale for tourism climate action and introduces the Panel and its origins. The Panel is an independent, science-based collaboration of over 60 experts and organizations, from around the world, to better connect knowledge and decision making.

The work of the TPCC addresses an important gap by providing a comprehensive and transparent scientific assessment on the state of knowledge as well as progress on climate action in the tourism system. It is directed at decision makers in support of the Paris Climate Agreement and its long-term goals Following this Foundation, The TPCC will produce:

  • Horizon Papers by leading experts
  • 2023 Stocktake Report
  • 2024 Science Assessment

Collaboration on knowledge production and communication are welcome and the TPCC will actively reach out to organizations to maximize opportunities for collective climate action.


Is an independent science-based network of globally leading tourism and climate experts, committed to changing the way we think about climate change and tourism and mobilizing knowledge to accelerate climate action in tourism.


Our vision is a new era of climate resilient global tourism, that is on track to achieve zero emissions by 2050 and is successfully adapting to accelerating impacts of climate change through actions that broadly advance the Sustainable Development Goals.


Our mission is to inform and rapidly advance science-based climate action across the global tourism system in support of the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Engaging Experts

Connecting more than 60 leading experts from over 30 countries and from across academia, business, and civil society, the TPCC represents a new era of collaboration to support science-based tourism climate action in pursuit of the Paris Climate Agreement goals.

STOCKTAKE 2023: publish an overview of independent open-source indicators that track key connections between climate change and tourism, including progress on sector commitments in support of Paris Climate Agreement goals.

SCIENCE ASSESSMENT 2024: Complete the first synthesis of tourism relevant knowledge in 15 years on emission trends, climate impacts, and options for mitigation and adaptation to support climate resilient tourism development globally, regionally and nationally.

HORIZON PAPERS: Publish leading edge thought pieces on critical issues on the intersect between climate change and tourism mitigation and adaptation.